
Symptom PART - 1 Have you ever wondered how will your life end.? Now lots of people think it's crazy to think like that people will tell you don't think like that live your life!. you have a whole life ahead of you!. Older people likes to say " LIVE YOUR LIVES TO THE FULLEST KID ' but they don't know nobody knows it's not always about living your lives. Because.. " LIFE IS LIVING IN YOU '. If your soul isn't happy that life in you is not burning then you are nothing but a " SHELL'. it's as good as dead. you don't feel pain anymore cause life hits you with hardest time. you don't feel like trusting anyone cause your heart has been betrayed.. have been used. you can't seem to think properly cause there is something always going in your mind always stuck with something which you can't say to anyone. a life where you are struggling alone. fighting those thoughts in mind. trying to forget them. but always comeback to haunt y...