Have you ever been in a situation where you truly questioned yourself about your capabilities? when you start to self-doubt yourself. When the negative thoughts, the negative past—all of them—start to flash, making you more & more uncomfortable, giving up hope, you start to feel demotivated. When human beings are forced to tangle themselves in those thoughts, what do you think the best course of action is?.
Can you change your future as you want? Can you challenge the living? Can you write your own faith?.
Only people who are not afraid of change can be the ones to overcome such situations. 
Humans who have led their lives in such kind of situation from a very young age who are forced to accept whatever they do, their result would always be negative. Such kind of thinking either suffocates you, putting yourself into stressful thinking, or, for some people, it leads them to grow more, further adapting to their surrounding situations. Day by day, when they start noticing that their actions are now bringing change in their day-to-day living, it becomes a turning point in their life.
Perceptions of the situation may differ based on a person's personality and their life experience. as the people who faced negative pasts to reach where he is now wouldn't care less for such situations as they are familiar with the aftermath of such kinds of scenarios before. and they are okay with any negative results because it won't stop them from learning and adapting. 
But does this human society think like that? 
People will come forward to help when you discuss your problems with them, but can you read their intention?
Are you certain they won't judge after you show your problems? Won't they have their own perception of you? .. Many people have stopped talking about their problem until & unless they found someone with the same mutual understanding. You have to change according to your situation; no matter how much you try to explain your problems to someone, they won't understand until they have gone through the same. 
As I'm starting to understand that there are situations in one's life where he has to carve his own way and one may face many difficulties in his path, but believe in him, because "he is the best planner of all."

You are capable of more, and you are far stronger than anyone.


Now imagine yourself as that person. What kind of feeling would you have? What kind of personality may you have developed? Would you treat the people who didn't believe in you the same? Can you be the same person after developing the sense of change in you?


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