
     Read this very carefully. It's about some activities happening around me these past few days. I don't know if u all will believe me or not but I want someone to know. And I think he will come for me.....Thud! Thud! (Heavy Noices) It's him he knows where I am... Thud! Thud! (Heavy Noices)...There is no time.

Everything was going normally I woke up at 7 am in the morning as usual do the daily routine (baths, breakfast, morning medicine. etc) I got ready for my job and when I opened the door to leave for the office I saw a letter in a red color envelope. Inside the envelope was a folded piece of paper. It said "Be careful today. There was no name of the sender...Who? Send it to me. Is someone worried about me? And why?. I didn't think much and threw the letter away. This was the first time something like this happened to me. Who would send me a letter like this...(Thud !!! Thud !!! Noise intensifying). All I know is my neighbor who rarely talks to me. And sometimes he tries to ignore me. Acting like she doesn't know me. As I was walking down the railway station I noticed people staring at me. I tried ignoring them. I got on my train and I realise people r still staring at me I started feeling uneasy I thought something might be wrong with my hair or something must be on my face but when I checked nothing was wrong. Then why are they staring at me and it wasn't a normal stare it was like I did something to them they were aggressive stares. Even the people sitting beside me were glaring at me. I asked him what's the problem why r you staring at me. Nobody was answering. I kept asking them but all of them gave me the same look. Then suddenly a person from the crowd came aggressively towards me. I shook him off and he was trying to hit me. I gauged his eyes and ram his head on the seat. Other people were trying to grab me I shook them whenever they tried to get hold of me. luckily the next station arrived and ran off the train as fast as I can. And I started shouting for the railway police officer... Break it! Break it!..( people shouting ).......... I was calling for help but nobody listened. Then I saw a cop running towards me with a gun in his hand and with the same aggressive stare in his eyes he was about to shoot me. I never felt this terrified in my life. I grabbed the person next to me I told them to stay where they r our I'll break his neck. The officer stopped I told him to throw away his gun. But he wasn't listening instead he was getting ready to shoot. I threw the person on him and went on a train which was about to leave...
Thud! Bang! ( Heavy banging noises)... The people on the train weren't staring at me like before. I felt relaxed as a woman was sitting in front of me. Wearing a red jacket. That's when I realize. The envelope I received in the morning. It said to take care. It must have been them who are they? What did I do to them? Why are they after me? This woman is spying on me is she with them why is she looking at me she must be spying on me. What should I do to her she might tell them about me. What should I do? What should I do? What should I do ?..... What should I do ?...... I will kill her... BANG! ...( Door Burst Opened)... Who are u?.. I didn't do anything...? Somebody SAVE MEE !!!..

This man's name was Jon.Jonathan.Bayers. he was 58 years old Mr. Jon was a victim of Scopophobia, also known as scoptophobia, which is the fear of being stared at.
He developed this phobia a month back when he suddenly went aggressive toward the security guard where he use to work. That's when some of his colleagues helped him with the doctor's and medical treatments but it started getting worse he started hallucinating things and assuming things on his own. Just a week ago he hurt his neighbor just because he asked him how his therapy was going. He thought his neighbor was making fun of his condition. But yesterday Jon severally injured the man on the train. Who was trying to help him? And choked a woman half to death. Which put on the charges of "Attempting to Murder ' on him. 

But.. it's not Jon who is a victim of the story it's you.
U might be wondering how? All of the above was written 
To trap ur mind which was trying to create images of incidents happening around Jon. to see what he was seeing to feel what he was feeling and most important thing Curiosity about what will happen Next.

To be continued...


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