When a person comes across a certain point in life where he stops thinking about the future and starts questioning the past. Thinking back in life about a certain incident which further become a big turning point for him remembering those moments wondering what if I could go back to the past and change my future so that I could have lived without being a SLAVE!!!
What am I SLAVE to?
Imagine u spent almost 18 to 20 years of life in education which is necessary for surviving in this world knowledge of a person is treated as oxygen to the human body without it u won't survive and why is that because you have grown as an adult you can't survive unless you have proper earning and why is that when you were just a kid nobody cared about it. but now suddenly those people who asked you "how are you doing? What are you doing now? and believe me, those words are like a nightmare to some people who hide from others. Why would they hide because their knowledge was weak or they are not attractive they don't have good communication with others NO! IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A SLAVE.!
Be it a woman, a man, or a child. They will become Slave to MONEY, Slave to his LOVE, Slave to his MIND, slaves to hIs EMOTIONS,
slave to FAMILY, this chain of slavery was made way before you were born when you woke up for the first time in this world without you even realizing you were sold to the WORLD expecting that you would be polished into a diamond that will attract people with its shine but not all of them shine some wither some gets stolen some gets lost. They expect everything from you but what about you what about your expectations nobody will ask you if asked nobody takes it Seriously what can you do? To break out of it how can I break through this MATRIX this Slave cycle of life the only answer a person has come around is....................DEATH..?
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