A Crack..!

A Crack..!


What if I say we all are in control of someone? We are following our daily lives thinking as a normal day but what if someone made our life like this and made us believe that we are living our life? what if we are not? What if I say you were made to live like this u were made to choose only a suitable option that will lead you to the common life for eg a system every system has certain rules or certain steps to follow to complete it.

Now let me know does a parent think about his child's future after he is born or before it's born most of you might have the same answer before. Now when a child is born his family starts thinking about his future and the first thing is Education the very first stage of the system your child spends almost 10 to 12 years in school now have u ever thought ok that's enough we can educate you on our own we will teach you from now on No. You go ahead and put him in college for 2 years now is it enough No. Then you send him to university.

For more 3 years. Till that time your child grows up almost 18 to 19 years old now you want him to go find a job second most important system earn a decent amount of salary find someone to marry have kids and make him do the same thing u did educate him then find a job and blah blah just the same thing over and over repeating the same thing that's the last third stage of the system the result of last two systems. 

Welcome to "MATRIX' the biggest secret of life only a few people know about it some of you might have never heard of it because no one has ever acquired any knowledge of it. You might have read in school about the animal food chain and plant food chain. What about human food chain..? Is there anything for us and most important think why does everyone agrees to follow the system. Just look around yourself every single person you see are doing the same thing be it a food stall or any newspaper guy or salon every thing around is following the same system waking up to earn but to achieve what..? Money yes ofcourse but is it enough..?

Can you buy everything you want you might but..? something you won't that's what the world is saying you your not working much work more hard so that you can afford it and that's what Matrix want's all of you to do it's to work just keep working dont get distracted. We want you to work like slave and provide us. Provide who..? the "Government's'.

We are living in a era so advance if your hungry it's ok you don't even have too cook or go to any restaurant you can order online pay online everything will be at your doorstep. You can even do online grocery shopping while sitting at home enjoying your happy meal. ( Get up and go out touch some grass you idiots )

This all are spider web all this social media entertainment it's to blind us they are making our mind dull. Think of the new generation surrounded by all this technology all this entertainment they grew in this atmosphere from young age and gets addicted to it how will you stop this get out of it start learning about your life think how much time are u wasting start acquiring skill for the future break out of matrix start thinking out of the box stop chasing money chase the person you imagine to be or you wanted to be it will take time to reach it but remember the one who will change your faith is you.

If I may I would like to pose a interesting question are all human beings truly equal? These days everywhere you go there's is talk about fight for equality. As a wise man once said heavens doesn't creat one person above

Or below another people like to throw his words around that's not the whole quote he goes on to say that while we are all equal at birth pretty soon things begins to change. Academic efforts is what that set some people apart to raise above another At any rate, humans change over time based on their actions. Truth be told, at the end of the day, equality is just a fantasy. And most of us go through life denying the fact that we live in a meritocracy...?


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