PERCEPTION Have you ever been in a situation where you truly questioned yourself about your capabilities? when you start to self-doubt yourself. When the negative thoughts, the negative past—all of them—start to flash, making you more & more uncomfortable, giving up hope, you start to feel demotivated. When human beings are forced to tangle themselves in those thoughts, what do you think the best course of action is?. Can you change your future as you want? Can you challenge the living? Can you write your own faith?. Only people who are not afraid of change can be the ones to overcome such situations. Humans who have led their lives in such kind of situation from a very young age who are forced to accept whatever they do, their result would always be negative. Such kind of thinking either suffocates you, putting yourself into stressful thinking, or, for some people, it leads them to grow more, further adapting to their surrounding situations. Day by day, when the...